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In unison in a sentence

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Sentence count:75+5Posted:2017-08-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: unisonin unionbenisonvenisoninundateinundatedinundationeuropean unionMeaning: adv. 1. speaking or singing at the same time; simultaneously 2. in complete agreement 3. at the same pitch. 
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31. Flocks of large black-and-white birds shifted in unison across the middle of the roundabouts and along roadside verges, probing for worms.
32. They sear across the ice, moving in unison as if some magnetic force holds them together.
33. On my left, three stringy adolescent snakes emerge in unison from a small opening like ground mice.
34. Though Allianz may be friends with Dresdner and Munich Re, they do not act in unison.
35. She grabbed Steve's sleeve, their eyes in unison watched the ball sail through the air and high over the net.
36. Their heads were close together and as he appeared they all looked up in unison with startled faces and fell silent.
37. The sixteen slicks flared in unison with Yellow One and settled into the tall grass.
38. The office fellows on the table behind laughed abruptly and in unison.
39. Their hands flew to their ears in unison and they staggered under the immensity of the reverberating impact.
40. They kneel on straw mats in their dark clothing and chant in unison with a Buddhist priest.
41. Two harps should never be used merely to double each other in unison.
42. When I get the two magnets properly aligned on either side of the pad[], see how they move in unison?
43. The straining bearers like a string quartet, taking the burden up in unison, at a nod from their leader?
44. It only needed two men working in unison to raise and lower the junk sails to suit the wind strength.
45. The bottom five notes or so of the violins can be enriched by adding a bassoon or two in unison.
46. When the sun sets,[ unison.html] its inhabitants bow down in unison amid their baobab and thorn trees toward Mecca to pray.
47. While her class was reciting in unison you could not hear very much in mine.
48. We have already pointed out that clarinets in unison with high trumpets give them increased roundness of tone and certainty of attack.
49. The caterpillars do not know why they rock their bodies, much less why they do it in unison.
50. All consider that good and evil can not be in unison.
51. Its only movement was a regular tremor in unison with the rhythm of the cart.
52. " We will, " the brothers replied in unison.
53. The bodybuilders contracted their biceps in unison.
54. My feelings are in unison with yours.
55. Hearts which Beat in unison are linked.
56. Last year, researchers engineered an entire colony of bacteria to periodically fluoresce in unison, and we can expect many more papers exploring the behaviour of collections of cells.
57. Franz felt a shudder run through his veins at observing that the feeling of the duke and the countess was so much in unison with his own personal disquietude .
58. For churches not normally noted for their ability to act in unison, today's unprecedented move was all the more remarkable.
59. Facing the national flag, the students in uniform T shirts carrying the words of" Non- remunerated Blood Donation Volunteers" sworn in unison to bid farewell to their puerility and usher in maturity .
60. Uniform price, serve in unison, favorable manufacturer's cooperation exploits market.
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